Guinea Eco-djembe

45 ratings on this product and 2 reviews  »

Ø34,5 to 36 cm - Gmelina - ... Data sheet »
159 € the djembe

max. 10

Attention, du fait de leur légèreté, certains de nos djembés en Mélina sont un peu ovale au niveau de la tête. Cela n’a aucune conséquence sur la qualité du son.

Unlike other djembes in this category, the models shown in the photos are not unique. The dimensions and decoration may vary slightly from one instrument to another.

Dimensions & materials

  • Skin diameter : 34,5 to 36 cm
  • Height : 60 to 65 cm
  • Weight : 6 to 9 kg
  • Kind of wood : Gmelina (Gmelina arborea)
  • Medium thickness shaved goat skin
  • Halyard

A product of African craftsmen (Guinea)

Djembe at the best price - Guinea Eco-djembe 7

Melina is a fast-growing tree that is relatively strong for its weight.

Its low to moderately heavy wood makes it possible to make light instruments that are easier to carry, more comfortable to play standing up (as in the case of the djembe or dundun drums), and just as rich in sound as instruments made with heavy wood.

It is a durable wood used in various fields such as construction, marine carpentry, joinery, cabinet making, musical instruments... because it is resistant to rot and termites.

Highly appreciated for the shade and coolness it provides, it is a tree that is often found in the courtyards of houses, in village squares, along city avenues or on the edges of fields in the countryside.

Demonstration of this djembe model

We advise you to use headphones for a better appreciation of the sound qualities of the djembe.

Overall product rating : 4.9 / 5

  • Giovanni 06. 5/5 4 months ago

    The djembe is very nice: built quality and sound aligned to the price.

  • Pavel Jasanský 06. 5/5 5 months ago

    Great djembe