Dimensions & materials
- Calabash diameter : 39 cm
- Height : 133 cm
- Number of strings : 6
- Weight : 3,5 kg
- Goat skin
- Nylon ropes
- Bamboo
- Calabash
- Goni (balafon wood, hare) easel
- Nails
- Cord
- Nylon yarn
- Goni (balafon wood, hare) neck
- Metals
- Tin
- Type of keys: mechanical oil-dipped
A product of African craftsmen (Burkina Faso)
Donso n’goni professionnel 6 cordes
As you can see on the pictures of the instrument, our donso ngoni are mounted with a metal bell.
The ngoni is a typically African stringed instrument from Mali formed of a resonant shell covered with a goatskin (or a wooden cover), with a wooden handle. The strings, made of nylon, are attached with rings, parallel to the handle which follows the same line as the shell.
The donso ngoni (“hunter’s instrument”), with four to six strings tuned to a pentatonic scale with the musician’s voice, is an African harp-lute cousin of the kora.
Demonstration of this ngoni model
We advise you to use headphones for a better appreciation of the sound qualities of the ngoni.
Overall product rating : 4.6 / 5

10 months ago
Love it! very good for meditation; I tuned mine to an Ethiopian scale (Tezeta mode ABCEFA)which works wonderfully!
10 months ago
Love it! very good for meditation; I tuned mine to an Ethiopian scale (Tezeta mode ABCEFA)which works wonderfully!