Ghana mini-dundunba

32 ratings on this product and 2 reviews  »

Ø34 cm - Tweneboa - ... Data sheet »

Not available.

 25 euros de réduction sur ce mini dundunba en raison d’une réparation sur le bois et les deux peaux pas très belles. Pas de soucis au niveau du son.

Ghana dundunba dunun mini-drum - Mini-dundun

Overall product rating : 4.8 / 5

  • Mariliza Niko 06. 5/5 1 year ago

    I am super satisfied with the mini dundun set ! The quality is excellent, the craftsmanship is traditional and I am very happy with my purchase !

  • Rolex 06. 5/5 5 years ago

    Nice stuff guys, I ordered a set of dunduns,
    arrived safely, professional crew and costumer services. happy days :) thanks you so much!